
Showing posts from January, 2012

Will INDIA ever be Superpower?

Hi all,          Firstly,a very happy and prosperous New Year to all of you. Last year was wonderful year for India and provides even greater opportunities combined with dangers this year, with world stearing down another recession soon. India as always is looking strong due to its people, the kind of mind it has in every sector and the kind of diverse culture it has. But still there is many things to ponder upon. Everyday, many of us must have heard somewhere someone saying that this country is going towards destruction, partly due to the kind of people ruling our country and due to unequal distribution of wealth.          Many of people around the world at the top  corporate positions of the world are Indians, but its not good to see that most of them are not in India but are working out of India with top software companies hiring a lot of Indians, and more than half of doctors in UK & US are Indians. It's nice to see that Indians are making their presence felt in every fiel